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Welcome to

ABA Therapy for children with Autism and related disorders.

We take great pride in providing high-quality ABA therapy to families in Miami-Dade and Broward County.

A Short Introduction to Build-A-Block

We focus on supporting our kiddos through individualized plans that meet them and their family’s unique needs.

For us, it has always been about approaching every child with love and understanding. We know this can sometimes be a long and difficult process, but once you join us, you are part of the BAB family, and we plan on supporting you every step of the way.

What is ABA?

Behavior analysis focuses on the principles that explain how learning takes place.

Positive reinforcement is one such principle. When a behavior is followed by some sort of reward, the behavior is more likely to be repeated. Through decades of research, the field of behavior analysis has developed many techniques for increasing useful behaviors and reducing those that may cause harm or interfere with learning.

Is ABA right for my child?

ABA is proven to be an effective method in solving problem behaviors, teaching social skills and providing everyday life skills to both neurotypical and children with special needs.

 At Build-A-Block we do not believe in a one size fits all approach. We believe each child is unique, and as such, we create specific programs to meet those needs. By staying away from the cookie-cutter programs other ABA companies use, we see the children under our care are much happier and comfortable, which in turn leads too much better results.

Skills and Behaviors we work on

Ana Build-A-Block Children Therapy Solutions Miami

Examples of Programs we work on

Discrete Trial Training (DTT)

A structured ABA technique that breaks down skills into small, “discrete” components.

Joint Attention

Examples of joint attention skills include following someone else’s gaze or pointed finger to look at something.

Token Economy

(Conditioned Reinforcement)

A child earns tokens by completing tasks or displaying desired behaviors.  The tokens are then exchanged for something of value to the individual.

Attending and Following Instructions

Attending is a learned behavior. Often parents teach it in a day to day basis.

Picture Activity Schedule

An activity schedule consists of pictures or words that describe a sequence of activities.

Social Skills

Social Skills Our therapists modify and personalize social skills training strategies to suit the age of the individual and the social skills being learned.

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